Contact me

To contact me, fill out the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Or write to me on social media — I’m always happy to answer your questions and discuss the details of your photo shoot.


Frequently asked questions from clients and answers to them. If you still have questions, please contact me on social media.

How to book a shooting?

Booking a shoot is easy! Fill out the form at the bottom of this page and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours. You can also contact me via Telegram, WhatsApp or Instagram using the links provided on the website.

Do I need an advance payment for booking?

Yes, an advance payment of 40% of the total cost is required to book a shoot.  Prepayment terms:

  1.  Refund of prepayment: The prepayment can be fully refunded if you cancel the shooting no later than 7 days before the appointed date. 
  2. No refund: The prepayment is non-refundable if you cancel less than 7 days before the scheduled date. These terms help ensure that your time and my resources are used efficiently.